We strongly encourage you to view our training videos that will guide you through the process of creating a new website. Use the link below to bring up the training videos in a new browser window. You can view and review the videos while setting up your new website.

Look for video links on many web pages to show you a short video on how to use that page.

Introduction to Creating a New Website

In the following panels you will setup a Visual Pursuits website and the Image Competition Manager program. You must create the website first since it creates the organization definitions used by the Image Competition Manager program.

This new website will be fully functional and provides a 60 day trial license. After 60 days, if you fail to purchase a subscription, the site will revert to a FREE subscription. A FREE subscription displays ads and has some limitations. Any FREE subscription that is inactive for 90 days will be automatically deleted.

Each person using any of our websites is assigned a unique Login Name, allowing people to belong to multiple organizations and to simplify inter-club image management within your hosting region.

Information on your website is protected. Only authorized users can alter information and only members can access certain areas of your web site. Details on this process are provided where you will assign roles to members.

Select Your Hosting Region

You want to create your new website in the hosting region that is physically closest to your physical location. The is because performance is slower with longer distances. You will also only be able to share logins and images with other organizations within your same region.

This website is hosted by Visual Pursuits, a service provided by Software Pursuits, Inc.